Wednesday, June 28, 2006

      Summer Diets.... *yawn*

      Okay, it's practically July and the stick-insect look seems to be in. Heat's saying that the 'worst beach bodies' belong to the Mischa Bartons and Nicole Richies of this world; whose ribs you can play the xylophone on without missing a note. But bikini season is on its way and you want to sensibly lose a few pounds before taking off the sarong and wading into the sea at the first sign of a bit of British sun, right?

      Well, I've discovered FitDay, a website that lets you count calories, chart your progress, view the nutritional make-up of your diet and many other features. All for free. Seems a little more sensible than all those 'Lose A Stone in A Day!!!' diets that seem to be clogging up the mags at the moment. (What they don't tell you is that you put it on in the same amount of time when you actually eat again.)

      So, if you're looking to sensibly lose a couple of pounds, try it. If you love your body, flaunt it, whatever the size. Weight is just a number...

      B x


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