Wednesday, July 26, 2006

      But Will They Accept It In Topshop?

      Card debt - it's a bad thing, right? Kids should be taught about the misery of owing more than you can afford, the pain of interest being added month after month and the dangers of being a shopaholic...

      Nah, let's just update the fantastic board game Monopoly to include a card scanner and fake Visa debit (not credit... yet) card to pay for their fake real estate. In order to make it 'more like real life'.... ahem.

      WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?????!!!!!

      I love Monopoly money. It's such a part of my referencing system, I mean, how many times have you heard people dismissing another currency as Monopoly money, or having so much money it's Monopoly money to them??? No? Just me???

      What about - Do not pass go; do not collect 200 pounds/dollars - what'll that change to? Do not pass go; do not get refunded 200 pounds on your shiny new visa debit card?!?!?!

      Don't worry, they're still producing the 'classic' game, this is just a new updated version, but I hope this isn't the way it's going. What next? Changing the dog counter to a replica of Paris Hilton's pooch Tinkerbell? The top hat to an oh-so-in fedora? Hmmmm....

      Wow, didn't think a board game would incite this much upset in me... oh dear.



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