Monday, August 07, 2006


      It seems a damn good time to be a hero. First, Superman Returns, then Watchmen finally gets greenlit and now it looks like the next top drawer drama/comedy/action maguffin from the good ol' USA will indeed be the aptly titled Heroes.

      I watched the pilot this morning on a laptop and was transfixed for its entire running time. It follows a disparate group of people from around(ish) the globe (no English although an Indian guy who speaks perfect, Queen's English quells that frustration) who find out they have superpowers. It grabbed attention here first through Betty's deep, deep love for Milo Ventimiglia (ex-Gilmore Girls lovable rogue with a brain) but seems to transcend the promise of meer man-candy niceness. The money spent is plain to see in the sepia visuals and general feel of production. It also however seems to have both brain and heart intact, taking it above the slightly cold CSI's of this world and elevating it to potential Lost-esque levels of obsession-ability.

      Look out for this one when it airs in the Autumn on NBC. Us Brits will have to wait mucho longero but never mind, we'll find a way to see it.

      P.S Before I sign off however, I would like to plead to our American readers to try and watch the show as I can't help but blame some of you (and you know who you are) for the terrible state of affairs regarding the cancelled shows we end up having to
      Da Vinci Code-stylee seek out due to you guys not tuning in. I'm thinking here of Freaks And Geeks, The Tick, Greg The Bunny, Carnivale etc. So come on people! If anything, do it for Milo. He's gonna need it after Rocky VI (audible shudder).

      Love yaz'all.


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