Saturday, October 07, 2006

      Much Fantastic Music!

      I'm Back!

      Now I'm living in London and writing more Lash! Hurrah, it's good to be back...

      Anyway, lets get onto some important music recommendations: today I wandered down to Fopp and picked up some excellent new(ish) albums...

      First on my list was Joan As Police Woman - Real Life:

      With appearances from Joseph Arthur and Antony (of himself and the Johnsons) this haunting, gorgeous group fronted by Joan Wasser makes beautifully chilled-out music. Wasser's voice is clear yet husky and reflects a cacophony of subtle moods throughout the record; something I'd recommend you listen to as the seasons change and Britain gets cloaked in a duvet of grey clouds...

      Bat For Lashes - Fur And Gold: Natasha Khan's dark soulful voice evokes black satin, kohl-lined eyes and the newly-fashionable mature gothic look... Don't be put off by the fashionable and well-timed nature of Khan's entrance onto the music scene, she's one of the most enjoyable British female artists I've heard for a long time. I was transfixed by the changable nature of her voice that magically transported me to dreamy, fantastical far-off plains.

      Last, but not least, I bought Beck - The Information: Beck is a long-time favourite artist of mine so I'm slightly biased when I listen to his music. Rather than download this one I thought I'd buy it because of the funky stickers and 'create-your-own-album-sleeve' marketing genius. Full of funky beats and electronica hooks, The Information is an exceedingly listenable journey into the not too distant future; experimental whilst not losing too much of his familiar style, this album is the perfect thing to listen to whilst you design and create (the album cover or anything else you might like to do...)

      Three stunning albums. All highly recommended!


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