Sunday, October 29, 2006

      Thank God They're Back

      Earlier this year I went to see Take That live; it was the best concert I have ever been to, an amazing spectacular of pyrotechnics, precise choreography and fantastic memory-filled songs. (The review's on the main LASH site.)

      Last Monday the Manchester show that
      Gary, Mark, Jason and Howard performed along with Beverley Knight, Lulu and a troup of dancers was released on DVD, giving all of us fans a chance to relive that amazing night.

      I can tell you my three male housemates were looking upon the evening with dread, knowing that I'd hijack the telly in the living room to watch the long-awaited gig. They began to look up with some interest as some female dancers in their underwear moved across the stage to the boys' singing. Then came the 'It Only Takes A Minute / Tango' spectacular and everyone was glued to the screen as the show started churning spectacular songs and dances that were truly breathtaking - see 'Apache 2006' and its amazing 'How to make a Boyband' medley...

      By the end of it, the show had converted my housemates to full on Take That fans, they were amazed by the dancing and the huge scale of the show... and damn right too! Take That were and are
      exactly what a boyband should be; talented, good looking, personality-filled and seemingly lovely guys.

      Westlife... please actually go and get lives. Sitting on a stool, miming and singing someone else's songs won't cut it anymore.

      In other Take That news, how amazing is their new single
      Patience? I was completely sold on it when I heard it, with its big chorus and soulful and mature sound; it's everything we were expecting from the boys' comeback and more. It's good to have them back...


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